Ariel's and my life changed dramatically in 2010 when we started to hear multiple testimonies of regular Believers releasing the miraculous in the marketplace and locations outside the church building. This was something we had to hear about more. The more testimonies we heard, the more we were moved.
The Believers had no titles, positions or followers. They were just normal Christians "doing the stuff" as John Wimber used to say.
Bodies were healed, missing or abnormal body parts grew out, sight was restored, the deaf could hear and the crippled could walk. We heard of the dead being raised at the scene of a terrible car crash.
We began to yearn to see that right here. We began to believe, "If they can do it, we could do it too!" We began to have a paradigm shift. The more testimonies we listened to, the more our minds were being renewed. We were being transformed according to Romans 12:1&2.
We began to believe that the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead lived in us (Romans 8:11).
And so it began.
While working in someone's house, I prayed for a homeowner with degenerative arthritis, 2 failed surgeries and on narcotics 24 hours a day. She was instantly healed and I was as shocked as she was! The next week, a person outside of Starbucks using a cane because of a torn muscle didn't need their cane any longer. Then, in a parking lot, a former police officer who'd been in a terrible car crash that left her spine in disarray, used a cane and was partially blind from going thru the windshield had her neck straighten, her lumbar spine straighten, no longer needing her cane, and had her sight restored in Jesus' name.
Ariel prayed for a lady at the Thrift Store who had braces on both wrists and needed surgery because she had precancerous tumors. Nothing happened at the store when she prayed. But she found out a month later when she revisited the thrift store again that the next morning the tumors had shrunk and by the weekend they had completely disappeared! She was cleared from needing surgery by her doctor!
Then Ariel prayed for a lady at the college where she was teaching and her arthritis completely disappeared.
And we have seen so many healed and brought to Christ that we lost count, praise God!
This is why we give testimony as often as possible. God tells us to diligently keep the testimony in Deuteronomy chapter 6. God says we are blessed when we keep the testimony in Psalm 119. We give the testimony to honor God, to let the world know what He is really like and to let other Believers begin to think that they can do it too!
This is our mission.